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RISD Design Portfolio Review
photo by Jo Sittenfeld MFA 08 PH

Engage and Become Inspired Spring 2017!

The RISD Career Center invites you to join us for our signature Spring 2017 events that provide meaningful conversations, experiences and connections between the professional design world and our talented RISD students! Registration opens this fall!



Networking Reception - Registration opens in the fall
Wednesday, March 15, 6:00 pm

Students and companies are invited to join us for a bite to eat and drink while engaging in conversations about their current work and projects. We encourage all to attend to make networking connections at this event that occurs the evening before the Design Portfolio Review.


No charge to companies/organizations to attend.



Design Portfolio Review - Registration opens in the fall
Thursday, March 16, 12 noon - 5:00 pm
Employer Reception 5:00 - 7:00 pm

The Design Portfolio Review is focused on individualized 15 minute student portfolio reviews with juniors, seniors and graduate students. The emphasis is on providing feedback on students’ work and presentation skills while also providing insights for reviewers on RISD talent that may be suited to their current or future hiring needs.


Company/Organization registration fees:

$TBD (before Jan. 15) / $TBD (after Jan. 15)



Recruiting Day - Registration opens in the fall
Friday, March 17, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Companies that would like to conduct formal interviews with selected students for current openings are encouraged to attend the Recruiting Day.


Companies will post their position/s to ArtWorks in advance, receive applications, select students they want to meet with and create their own interview schedules for student meetings.


Company/Organization registration fee: $TBD



Read About Our 2016 Events!

Design Portfolio Review:
Making a Professional Impression
Lunchtime Panels:
Working Illustrators Advise Students
Empathetic Designers
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